Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Sitka and the many days that followed...

Wheelhouse selfies with the captain! 
On October 1st everyone woke up at 3:30 AM so we could be at the dock at 4:30 AM and ready to leave by 5 AM. And after making lots of coffee, we started off on our 14 hour adventure to Sitka. The water was flat calm and the sun had finally come out to play! 

Tristan & I with the rainbow we drove
through right after seeing Orcas!

Tristan and I watching Orcas

On our adventure we saw over 30 humpbacks, sea lions, seals, sea otters, more sea birds than I could count, and finally more orcas in my life! I also got to see ice burgs, glaciers, maelstroms, and another beautiful sunset! It was worth the trip for sure! Plus there was time to jam to 90's pop songs with Jeannette (captain) and for wheelhouse selfies. Once we got to Sitka I got to spend lots of time with Molly (my deckhand) before she hopped on a plane and headed to Key West!

Humpbacks right off the boat!
Sunset in Sitka.

The plane ride back was beautiful! You take off right over the water, and Sitka has a volcano that sits in the distance that you can see. Then what took us 14 hours by boat going 25 knots, took us 30 minutes by plane. It was a beautiful sunny day when we landed back in Ketchikan. Which was great for me, because when I landed in April it was cloudy and I couldn't see anything. 
Leaving Sitka

Tristan and Siren playing fetch on Gravina.

The day after we got back from Sitka was amazing, so Tristan and I took Siren over to Gravina Island and just drove around and had a picnic. There have been many more rain forest hikes and cuddles with Siren. 

Sitka Black-tailed deer on Gravina (this is full grown)

For the last 19 days I have spent a lot of time with friends. I have been able to substitute teach a few days which has been great. It gives me something to do and allows me to make a little extra money to pay my bills. I've said goodbye to a few more friends who are spending their winters back east. We had a bonfire to say goodbye to Amanda. We also celebrated Stephanie's birthday! I convinced Tristan to carve pumpkins with me, since that is what you do in October! There have also been lots of movie nights! Sarah had everyone over for a Turkish feast to celebrate her new apartment for the winter! 

Beautiful waterfalls off one of the trails.

Basically I have spent the last month just being with all of the people that I love here. I'll be leaving on the ferry in 8 days. I am so excited for my road trip with Gwenn and to see my family again! But there aren't words to say how much I don't want to leave Ketchikan. I love this rainy little fishing town. 

Double rainbow over my boat and town I stole from Tristan! 

I will try and update from the road with pictures everyday so that everyone can follow along! We are planning to take the Northern Route so I'm sure there will be a little snow in my life at some point! But until then...I hope you enjoyed a little more of my never ending adventure! 

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