Wednesday, July 12, 2017

May and June...

This month has been filled with work, work, and more work. The beginning of May was filled with training. Then on the first Friday in May our busiest day of the season happened with 7 cruise ships and about 13,000 people visiting Ketchikan in one day. I was very thankful to have a job where I take less than 150 of those people out into the wilderness. 

May was pretty much all about work. There was a surprise trip to Petersburg for a boat swap one week. There were a few days off where we got to go and play on the beach. There was a -4.5ft low tide which led to incredible tidepooling one morning before work. I also developed a weird death cold that was trying to kill me. I lost my voice for about a week at the start of June. And my voice has been in and out since then, coming and going as it wants.

So far it has been a pretty cool and rainy summer. This makes for beautiful and breathtaking views in the Misty's. The rest of this post is just going to be pictures. I got a new camera in May, so there will be lots of pretty pictures to share.

In June Tristan and I snuck away to the muskeg to play among the wildflowers and the dragonfly larva for an afternoon, between both of us being sick. Since I was pulled out of work for a week because of my voice, I got to visit my parents in Yellowstone. Tristan and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary at the end of June. Then I was whisked away for an adventure on one of the Dream Cruise boats at the end of June into the first week of July (another post for this one as well).

Sorry it has taken me so long to post, but I have been pretty busy since the season started. So here are some pictures throughout May and June.

The captain on his first solo Misty trip 

I love when Eddystone floats in the mist

An afternoon hanging out in the Hammock 

Moonsnail love

Leather seastar with Eel grass, Bull Kelp, and Rockweed

Sailfin Sculpin

My love looking for dragonfly larva in the pools

Shooting stars

Breaching Orcas thanks to Claire 

Cute little Black Bear


And this post's quote:

At some point in life, the world's beauty becomes enough...

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